Supervisors have the ability at the PCTOUCH to view and edit employee punches, add new employees, send messages and override shift lockouts.
To set an employee as a supervisor, in PayClock Online select the desired employee and set the employee's To set an employee as a supervisor, in PayClock Online select the desired employee and set the employee's Access Profile to Supervisor, set the Manage Other Employees to Allow and then click on Assign Employees to select the employees they will be able to manage.
To enter into supervisor mode at the PCTOUCH, tap the Supervisor button and use one of the following methods to enter Supervisor Mode:
Scan a finger associated with a supervisor
Use the numeric key pad to enter the supervisor's PIN and tap OK.
Move the supervisor's badge over the front of the clock.
Thu 11/16/2023
See More: |
How do I view punches at a PCTOUCH?
How do I add punches to an employee at a PCTOUCH?